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Whether you’re just getting started or looking to streamline your processes, choose from a variety of packages to suit your needs

Whether you’re just getting started or looking to streamline your processes, our services come in various packages to best suit your needs.

Smart Hiring - $99
Optimized recruitment process, focused on precision and efficiency.
Gain access to our Recruitment and Staffing services.
List your position on Interfell.com and partner websites.
Distribute your posting to our expansive network of over 50,000 IT professionals.
Enhance the visibility of your job offers through a select network of strategic partner portals, including LinkedIn, GetOnBrd, and Hireline.
Obtain candidates who align with your criteria, meticulously screened by our recruiting team.
Proctor your technical assessments.
Our recruitment team will guide you every step of the way.
You'll experience fully personalized service.
Smart Hiring Plus - $399
Transform your talent search into a premium experience
Everything included with Smart Hiring.
Candidates are assessed using Interfell's technical tests.
Review Psychometric evaluations managed by Interfell's psychologists.
A dedicated Account Manager and Recruiter are assigned to your vacancy.
Receive a comprehensive recruitment report featuring expert insights, English proficiency validation, technical test outcomes, and psychometric analysis for a well-rounded candidate profile.
Access exclusive discounts on our recruitment and staffing services to maximize your talent investment.
Custom Services
Customized solutions for unique requirements:
Total adaptability to your business needs.
Accelerated process for candidates.
Flexibility in capacity and resources.
Benefits of Smart Hiring Plus.
Benefits of Smart Hiring.
Monthly management reports.

What our customers say

Are you curious about the experiences of those who have already worked with us? Read our Clutch profile for genuine client reviews of our services. Your trust is our priority, and the feedback from our clients is a testament to the commitment and quality we strive to deliver.

Who is this service for?

Founders and Entrepreneurs needing...

  • Budget-Conscious Hiring: Maximize a tight budget while still attracting top talent.
  • HR Team Support: Bolster a small HR team or create one where none exists.
  • Quality IT Talent: Find the right IT professionals for your unique project needs.
startup a nivel mundial
departamento de recursos humanos

For Tech Managers or Tech Leads with...

  • Short Project Timelines: Struggling with tight deadlines? Source skilled professionals and meet your project timelines.
  • Decreased Team Efficiency: Reduce the learning curve for new hires and minimize staff turnover, ensuring your team stays strong and efficient.
  • A Need for Rapid Talent Acquisition: Connecting you with top professionals in record time keeps your projects moving smoothly.

Business Leaders Seeking Operational Efficiency that want...

  • ROI Focused Solutions: Our solutions are geared towards maximizing your financial outcomes.
  • Payroll Management: Handle payroll complexities with trusted, expert services.
  • HR Outsourcing: Comprehensive HR solutions, freeing you to concentrate on growing your business.

garantizar el ROI de tu empresa

Your perfect candidate is just step one

Direct Hire

If you decide to hire the candidate directly after selection, you'll move to the final stage of our service. Simply pay the final amount agreed upon with our team based on the candidate's annual salary and the plan you've chosen. This payment successfully concludes the recruitment process and activates the guarantee period. Now, you can officially hire the talent and start working together immediately.

Remote Staffing through Interfell

For management of your new hire, choose our Remote Staffing services. Interfell’s staffing service lets you hire talent temporarily or "on demand." To get started, you’ll receive a service contract with a monthly invoice covering recruitment costs, contract management, talent payroll, and follow-up by our human resources team. Our staffing service offers flexibility and an unlimited guarantee.

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Interfell has helped us pinpoint talent in a timely and flexible manner, as we require speed to respond to our clients and quality in hiring to create the best experience for our users.
Rodrigo Labeé
CEO en Jooycar
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